Aeollanthus repens
Creeping ground cover from Africa with fuzzy 2 inch gray leaves and numerous lavender flower clusters, which have a very strong skunk-like odor. Used as a ground cover in Hawaii, in spite of this trait. Makes a nice hanging basket. Plant in a sunny location in a frost free area. Related to Plectranthus. Lamiaceae
Albuca bracteata
(Syn.: Ornithogalum longibracteatum, Ornithogalum caudatum), Pregnant Onion, False Sea Onion
The pregnant onion is an old-fashioned novel houseplant that resembles an onion with numerous baby bulbs forming on its sides. A great conversation piece. A lot of people just adore this plant. It has long strap-like leaves that droop downward and tall wands of small white flowers striped in green. Makes a nice hanging basket. It's not really an onion and should NOT be eaten. Some individuals may have an allergic skin reaction. Native to South Africa and easy to grow outdoors in similar climates. Grow in part shade and allow soil to dry between waterings. Hardy to 25F. Asparagaceae
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Snowball'
Tiny irregularly shaped leaves variegated blush white on this variety of Joseph's Coat. Very compact. Easy. Used as a bedding or edging plant or for containers, hanging baskets, or as a houseplant. Give light shade or full sun and rich organic soil with good drainage. Native to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. (F,M,T) Amaranthaceae
Asystasia gangetica - White Flower
Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove
This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes, opening white and becoming flushed with pale purplish tones as they age. The oval to heart-shaped dark green leaves are held in opposite pairs on creeping stems. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. In the tropics, it is sometimes regarded as a pretty weed as it easily sets seeds. It is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae
These plants should not be confused with Asystasia gangetica ssp. micrantha, which has white 1 inch bell-shaped flowers with purple stripes and hairy leaves and stems. That plant should never be planted, as it is a very serious weed.
Asystasia gangetica 'St. John'
(Syn.: Asystasia gangetica 'Variegata', 'Ivory Ribbons'), Chinese Violet, Coromandel, Ganges Primrose, Creeping Foxglove
This is a tender tropical perennial that sprawls over the ground, producing numerous dainty 1 inch lavender-purple trumpet-shaped flowers with five flaring lobes. The brightly variegated leaves of yellow and dark green, make a great contrast with the flowers. It thrives in sun or partial shade and can tolerant dry conditions, heat, humidity, salty air, and poor nutrient soils. Give this easy growing plant good drainage and medium moisture for optimum growth. Just protect it from frost. It's mature height is 1 to 2 ft and spreads 3 to 4 ft wide. Useful as a groundcover and for mass plantings under large trees and borders. It can be trimmed hard and resprouts quickly. Its flowers attract numerous varieties of butterflies. Useful as a house plant and looks great spilling over from containers, planter boxes, or hanging baskets. In colder regions, try it as an annual groundcover or potted plant. The species is believed to be native to India, Malaysia, and eastern Africa and has naturalized in many other tropical regions. USDA zones 9 - 12. Acanthaceae
Begonia 'Afternoon Delight'
From our Brad Thomas collection comes this begonia introduced in 1990 with dark green wavy leaves, silver spots and dark pink flowers. It grows semi-upright to about 1.5 feet high and makes a great basket plant. It's easy to grow and a heavy bloomer. It's a cross of B. 'Lenore Olivier' and B. albopicta. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Alice's White Rabbit'
The name is a little playoff of unrelated Begonia 'Looking Glass', which is also silver. While at first glance young plants of the two may look alike, they do not stay that way. 'Alice's White Rabbit' is more upright, rambling, and branching and blooms in late summer, unlike 'Looking Glass' which seldom blooms. As a medium-leaved Superba cane, it makes a lovely large hanging basket or specimen. It also has one other great trait, unlike most silver leaved canes, it's not mildew prone. It was named a few years ago, but was in such demand that we never had enough to list. New introduction for 2017. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Caribbean Prince'
Light green leaves with a rhizomatous growth habit. This easy, vigorous grower makes a full compact plant and an outstanding hanging basket. (Anderson)
Begonia 'Coral Sabers'
Medium growing upright cane. Long narrow pointed dark green leaves with a deeply serrated edge. Flowers are dark coral in open clusters. Profuse and nearly everblooming. Easy to grow as upright or trained as a basket. (Thompson)
Begonia foliosa var miniata
(Begonia fuchsioides)
Deep coral-red flowers hang in clusters resembling fuchsias. Tiny dark green glossy leaves. Can be trained for hanging basket or as upright grower. (F, B)
Begonia 'Orococo'
(Trailing-scandent Begonia) Textured ivy-shaped leaves of great substance, green-gold, shaded and edged deep red. Procumbent stems. Sprays of delicate white flowers. Sturdy grower. Beautiful, self-branching plant for pots or hanging baskets. (Worley) (F, B)
Begonia 'Tinkerbell'
Semperflorum shrub-type begonia. Bears some resemblance to Begonia fischeri but is actually a tamer hybrid of Begonia schmidtiana. Compact, full growing and ever blooming with bright pink flowers. Small round pleated green leaves. Quickly makes a full plant. Very cute plant, makes a great basket. Doesn't reseed itself like the species. Easy to grow. (Thompson)
Begonia 'Tom Ment'
Low growing cane with small bronze leaves with large silver spots. Blooms well with dark salmon to coral flowers. Easy to grow, quickly makes a nice full basket or low growing upright. Makes a great plant without much trimming or training and a good plant for beginners or for anyone interested in begonias to grow for shows. (Mentelos)
Begonia 'Vista Way'
The perfect marriage of the best traits of two popular shrub species, Begonia egregia and Begonia echinosepala. Leaves have the texture, coloring, and red edge of Begonia egregia on a plant that has the full growing, free branching, everblooming habit of Begonia echinosepala. Can be trained for multiple uses from very full hanging baskets, to large specimen plants, or can be pruned easily to keep as a small compact potted plant. Flowers are pure white and held above the foliage. (Thompson)
Callisia fragrans 'Melnikoff'
Basket Plant, False Bromeliad, Octopus Plant
This is a low growing perennial with 6 to 10 inch bright green waxy leaves with white to cream colored lengthwise stripes of varying widths. The tightly overlapping leaves form a rosette somewhat resembling a bromeliad. It has small fragrant white flowers borne in clusters on long upright stalks. Best in well-drained moist soil in part shade. It makes a good groundcover in mild climates as an accent with other tropical plantings or as a beautiful large hanging basket with its cascading trailing stems. Old fashioned houseplant. Native to Mexico. USDA zones 9 - 11. Commelinaceae
Callisia gentlei var. elegans
(Syn.: Callisia elegans), Pinstriped Inch Plant, Striped Inch Plant
Dark slate green fleshy 1ΒΌ" leaves are marked with distinctive parallel white lines. Small white flowers appear at the tip of elongated stems in summer. Give bright shade and good drainage. It's best to keep on the dry side, as overwatering can be detrimental. Easy, fast growing uncommon house plant, mat forming groundcover, or basket plant. Outdoors USDA zones 10 - 11. Native to Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. Commelinaceae
Ceropegia carnosa
Bushman's Pipe, Wine Glass Vine
This is a diminutive slender vining succulent with 1 inch fuzzy maroon striped flowers. These flowers trap tiny flies inside which are then released when the flower is pollinated. The vine grows from thick fleshy roots. Give it bright light but no direct sun with a fast draining succulent soil mix. Water freely in summer but give a drier rest in the winter. Grow on a trellis or in a hanging basket. It's a tender plant that is best grown indoors. Native to Kenya and South Africa. Apocynaceae
Ceropegia sandersonii
Parachute or Umbrella Plant
The common name of this small succulent vine refers to its flowers that are shaped somewhat like parachutes or umbrellas. The flowers are even more unusual in that they give off a scent to trap flies. As the flies slide down the flower tube to the base they get covered in pollen. The flies are released later, as the flower withers, to pollinate other parachute flowers. It's fairly easy to grow as a basket plant or in a dry terrarium in well-drained soil and bright light (not direct sunlight). Native to Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland. (B,T) Apocynaceae Resized image from Wikimedia Commons: Wouter Hagens, Ceropegia sandersonii A, CC BY-SA 3.0
Cynanchum insigne
(Syn.: Sarcostemma insigne), Green Spaghetti Plant
This is a rare leafless succulent plant from Madagascar with green trailing cylindrical stems, resembling a Rhipsalis. Scented flowers appear along the stems that are pale white with red stripes, much like the veins in a bloodshot eye. It's an ideal plant for a hanging basket. With its low water requirement, give it warmth and bright shade. Apocynaceae
Dischidia sp. Geri
Apple Leaf
This Hoya relative has succulent, soft green, 1 inch rounded leaves turning grayish with age with new foliage emerging pinkish in color. Has ivory white flowers. Easy. Outdoors provide it with filtered light, indoors a bright area. Good drainage is essential. With its cascading form, it makes an easy to grow hanging basket. Can also be used in a large terrarium. This unidentified Dischidia was named after Geri Ham Young, a succulent collector in Honolulu, by Hoya specialist Ted Green of Hawaii. It could be related to Dischidia oiantha, whose leaves are more elongated. We have seen this plant sold elsewhere, likely in error, as the species Dischidia oiantha and as Dischidia milnei. USDA Zones 9b - 11. Apocynaceae
Dischidia sp. White Diamond
A variegated hoya relative with small diamond-shaped leaves that are greyish green with a creamy white margin. Tiny white flowers. Makes a beautiful hanging basket plant. Sometimes, sold as a novelty hanging plant in a seashell. Widely grown in S.E. Asia incorrectly as Dischidia oiantha. USDA Zones 10 - 11. Apocynaceae
Duranta erecta 'Little Geisha Girl'
Compact Golden Dew Drop 'Little Geisha Girl'
This is a compact form of Duranta erecta 'Geisha Girl' ('Sweet Memories') with tighter blossoms and weeping stems. It makes a splendid hanging basket plant. Verbenaceae
Hibiscus schizopetalus
Fringed Hibiscus
Very ornate fringed double flowers streaked with pink and red hang from arching branches like little chandeliers. Blooms best with heat and humidity. Often grown as a hanging basket plant or trained as a standard. A most unusual hibiscus. Tropical East Africa. Malvaceae
Hoya heuschkeliana Yellow
This cute Philippine native vine has slightly cupped waxy green leaves (up to 3" long) on cascading branches with clusters of small very fragrant urn-shaped yellow flowers. It's a miniature species that's easy to grow with filtered light, warmth, extra humidity, and well-draining soil. Let it dry out a bit between waterings. Plants that are root bound tend to flower more prolifically. It makes a nice hanging basket or can be mounted as an epiphyte. Apocynaceae
Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella
(Hoya bella, Miniature Wax Plant
Clusters of waxy white, pink centered, fragrant flowers. Small pointed leaves closely set on semi-trailing stems. Lovely hanging basket variety. India. Apocynaceae
Kalanchoe beauverdii
(Syn.: Bryophyllum beauverdii), Beauverd's Widow's Thrill, False Hoya
This is a very unusual kalanchoe that is sure to attract attention. It's one of the few climbing species along with Kalanchoe schizophylla. This succulent climber has gray wiry stems and green narrow leaves turning purple-black in high light with adventitious plantlets often forming on the leaf tips. Its hanging flowers are bell-shaped and rather large compared to the slender stems. Blooming in clusters, they are an unusual grayish green color with fine purple speckles. Flowering is in the winter and spring months. The wiry stems and hooked leaves help it vigorously scramble and twine upwards. It can swallow surrounding plants if not pruned to keep it under control. So it is best to grow it on a trellis to 8 feet or in a hanging basket where it can be allowed to cascade. Grow in full sun or bright shade and allow it to get dry between waterings. It generally likes warmth with dry cool frost-free winters. It's native to south and southwestern Madagascar, where it is found in dry shrub-land forests from sea level up to 2,750 feet in elevation. Crassulaceae
Kalanchoe manginii
(Syn.: Bryophyllum manginii), Chandelier Plant, Beach Bells
This succulent plant displays spoon-shaped glossy green fleshy leaves, turning reddish in full sun, with trailing red-tinged stems. It blooms in late winter or early spring with dangling clusters of salmon-red 1 inch bell-shaped flowers. Growing up to 12 inches tall and wide, it makes an easy to grow ideal hanging basket. It also can be grown as an epiphyte, as it does in its native Madagascar. Best grown in a bright sunny location with protection from the midday sun in well-drained potting soil. Intolerant of frost. Crassulaceae
Kalanchoe schizophylla
(Syn.: Bryophyllum schizophyllum)
This is a very curious kalanchoe, as it is one of the few climbing species along with Kalanchoe beauverdii. Its smooth leaves are deeply cut with a fern-like appearance turning orangish in bright light. It climbs by means of its hook-like finely divided mature leaves. The stems are thin curling up to 12 feet or more in length. The seldom seen inflorescence consists of pendulous, bell-shaped lavender-grey flowers in spring to summer. It seems to be given to vegetative growth so that flowering is rare, especially if frequent pruning has been necessary. The variable leaves are very decorative and the plants are easy to grow. In its native Madagascar it is a hemiepiphyte (seedlings growing in the canopy as an epiphyte, later with roots growing down into the ground). It is found in rocky and shady brush in central Madagascar from 3 to 5 thousand feet in elevation. All parts are toxic, a rarity in the family Crassulaceae. Give it bright shade with extra humidity, well-drained potting soil and water sparingly. Grow it as an epiphyte, in a hanging basket, or as an interesting climber on a trellis. Intolerant of frost. Crassulaceae
Kalanchoe uniflora
(Syn.: Bryophyllum uniflorum), Coral Berry, Coral Bell Plant
This is an attractive trailing succulent plant with small fleshy scalloped leaves and an abundance of small coral bell-shaped flowers in late winter. As an epiphytic plant, it grows best in hanging baskets or mounted to a slab in bright, but limited sunlight. Allow it to dry out between waterings. It's drought resistant and should not be overwatered. Grow as an indoor plant or in a greenhouse with warmth and humidity. Native to Madagascar. USDA zones 9- 12. Crassulaceae
Medinilla sedifolia
A beautiful but little known species for terrarium or small hanging basket, this elegant rare plant is slow growing and spectacular in bloom. In winter and spring 1 inch waxy flowers of bright magenta pink nearly cover the dark green foliage of closely set ¼th inch waxy leaves. Likes warmth, humidity. (F,D,T,B) Melastomataceae
Monstera adansonii
Swiss Cheese Plant
With its unusual leaf structure this is a very popular climbing houseplant. The leaves are about 6 inches long showing off multiple holes, called fenestrations. Fast growing, it makes an impressive hanging basket or allow it to grow up a totem to display its unique leaves. Give it a rich, fast draining soil mix, humidity, and indirect light. In the tropics it can be allowed to grow up in the shade of a tree for an exotic jungle look. Often incorrectly sold as Monstera obliqua, which is another extremely rare Monstera and almost never sold. The juvenile growth stage was once thought to be a different species and was given the now invalid name of Monstera friedrichsthalii. Native to the Amazonian region of Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araceae
Pellionia pulchra
Satin Pellionia
Great trailing indoor plant for basket or terrarium. Showy leaves are dark veined with an olive-green background, purple underside. Likes humidity and warmth, bright light but not direct sunlight. Keep moist but not wet. Easy to grow. Can be grown as a ground cover in tropical climates. Native to Southeast Asia. This is now listed by botanists as a variation of Pellionia repens. Urticaceae
Pellionia repens
(Syn.: Pellionia daveauana), Watermelon Pellionia
Grown for the beauty of its leaves, it makes an ideal basket or terrarium plant. Showy leaves are purplish-brown on the edges with a deep green surface and a light green center. Likes humidity and warmth, bright light but not direct sunlight. Keep moist but not wet. Easy to grow. Can be grown as a ground cover in tropical climates. Native to Southeast Asia. Urticaceae
Peperomia prostrata
String of Turtles, Creeping Peperomia
This is a favorite miniature plant that creeps along the ground creating a dense mat. It can even climb up a small support. The tiny ½ inch round succulent leaves have a mottled pattern of lighter green veins. Great for a hanging basket, terrarium, vivarium, small dish garden, or shingling up a damp moss pole. It prefers moderate bright shade, moisture, and humid conditions. It won't tolerate waterlogged soils, so water lightly when the soil is dry and give it gritty, well-drained soil. Roots as it spreads and is fairly fast growing with a height of about 1 inch. Native to Brazilian rainforests where it is often found growing on trees and rocks as an epiphyte. USDA zones 9 - 11. Sometimes confused with Peperomia rotundifolia, which is a different species with all green leaves. During shipping a few leaves may drop off since they break easily but will quickly regrow. So, be extra careful unpacking. (B, M, T, F, H) Piperaceae
Peperomia rubella
Miniature trailer with tiny red backed leaves. Suitable for hanging basket, terrarium, vivarium or dish garden. Easy and colorful. Does best in a bright position protected from direct sunlight. Native to Jamaica. Piperaceae
Peperomia scandens 'Variegata'
Variegated Cupid Peperomia
This "False Philodendron" is a popular house plant with heart-shaped waxy variegated leaves of green and creamy white. Easy to grow and makes a great hanging basket house plant. Give bright light, but not direct sunlight, and allow to dry out somewhat between waterings. (B, F) Piperaceae
Pereskia aculeata 'Godseffiana Variegata'
Variegated Barbados Gooseberry or Lemon Vine
This is an unusual climbing primitive cactus with golden waxy leaves with a green central flame on the upper surface and rosy-red color on the reverse. Its white flowers are followed by small edible fruit. Grow in partial to full sun and allow it to partially dry out between waterings. It's frequently grown in greenhouses and as a hanging basket houseplant. Native to the West Indies, coastal northern South America, and Panama. USDA zones 9 - 11. Cactaceae
Philodendron 'Pink Princess'
This is a beautiful Australian hybrid with dark olive-green waxy leaves streaked with shades of purple, hot pink, gray, lavender, and cream. Leaves can grow up to 9 inches long and 5 inches wide. It's an easy to grow climber or basket plant. Great house plant. Just give it rich well-drained soil, protection from direct sun, regular moisture, and humidity. Plant outdoors in a protected frost free area. Probably has some Philodendron erubescens in its breeding. USDA zones 9 - 11. Araceae
Large plants in 3 inch pots.
Pilea pubescens 'Silver Cloud'
Silver Cloud Pilea, Silver Panamiga
Uncommon house plant with striking silvery leaves, ruffled and serrated, with pinkish color on the undersides. It's an upright compact plant to 10 inches high with inconspicuous flowers. Although it likes terrarium conditions, it might be a bit large for such usage. Ideal in a mixed planting of house plants, such as with silvery or spotted begonias, thus creating a nice contrast. Also, use it in its own hanging basket. Indoors give it bright conditions and humidity and let the soil dry slightly between watering. It does not like waterlogged soil, so do not use too large a pot, smaller is better. Needs part to full shade outdoors in mild climates. Minimum temperature should be 50F, with the ideal range from 65F to 85F. Since cuttings root easily, it's a good idea to periodically replace old plants. Cold air, especially in winter, may cause some leaf drop. Do a bit of judicious pruning in spring to induce new growth. Native to South America. USDA zones 10 - 11. Urticaceae
Pilea spruceana 'Silver Tree'
Silver Tree Pilea
This pilea has a narrow, serrated, chocolate colored leaf with a broad silver band running down its center. It has a compact, upright habit to 10 inches high and wide. Flowers are inconspicuous. Although it likes terrarium conditions, it might be a bit large for such usage. Ideal in a mixed planting of house plants, such as with fancy leaf begonias, thus creating a nice contrast. Also, use it in its own hanging basket. Indoors give it bright conditions and humidity and let the soil dry slightly between watering. It does not like waterlogged soil, so do not use too large a pot, smaller is better. Needs part to full shade outdoors in mild climates. Minimum temperature should be 50F, with the ideal range from 65F to 85F. Since cuttings root easily, it's a good idea to periodically replace old plants. Cold air, especially in winter, may cause some leaf drop. Do a bit of judicious pruning in spring to induce new growth. Native to Peru and Venezuela. USDA zones 10 - 11. Urticaceae
Plectranthus neochilus 'Dwarf Variegated'
Fuzzy Wuzzy Plectranthus
Dwarf form with small leaves of various shades of green with white feathered edges. A new find for the indoor and outdoor variegated foliage lover. Use it in patio pots, window boxes, hanging baskets, or as a small ground cover in partial shade. Lamiaceae
Rhipsalis cereuscula
Rice cactus, Coral Cactus, Mistletoe Cactus
This is an epiphytic (tree-dwelling) cactus with light green cylindrical jointed stems that look like chubby grains of rice. The stems are erect at first, but as they grow longer they become pendant up to 2 feet long. In the spring, tiny greenish-white, often tinged with pink, flowers appear to be followed later by small white berries. It makes a perfect houseplant and hanging basket plant with its numerous small flowers. It thrives best in bright shade with no direct sunlight. It's not a drought-resistant plant, so regular watering is necessary, but let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Plant it in a slightly acidic, well-drained potting mix. It will not survive a hard frost, so it should be brought indoors or given protection in winter. The tips of the stems often turn reddish with cold weather. It's a native of Uruguay and Brazil. USDA zones 9b to 11b Cactaceae
Rhipsalis micrantha subsp. rauhiorum
Short Straps Rhipsalis
This "Mistletoe Cactus" has small white flowers on flattened fleshy stems, later followed with mistletoe-like white berries. This subspecies is distinct from type with wider leaves and deeper grooved margins. This epiphytic jungle cactus has hanging stems, up to 2.5 feet, that makes it excellent for a hanging basket. It likes a rainforest environment with dappled shade, warmth and humidity. It's not a drought-resistant plant, so regular watering is necessary, but let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Plant it in a slightly acidic, well-drained potting mix. It will not survive a hard frost, so it should be brought indoors or given protection in winter. Native to the rainforests of Southern Ecuador. USDA zones 9b to 11 Cactaceae
Rhipsalis paradoxa
Chain Cactus
This sought after hanging epiphytic cactus has three-angled stems with the angles and facets alternating between areoles and sharply defined edges. The stem color is light green, later dark green, often with reddish edges. Small white flowers are followed by pale red 2.5 inch berry-like fruit. Hanging down in chain-like clusters that can grow over 6 feet long makes this a great looking epiphyte and ideal for a large hanging basket. It likes a rainforest environment with dappled shade, warmth and humidity. It's not a drought-resistant plant, so regular watering is necessary, but let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. Plant it in a slightly acidic, well-drained potting mix. It will not survive a hard frost, so it should be brought indoors or given protection in winter. Native to Southeastern Brazil. USDA zones 9b to 11 Cactaceae The line drawing is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 License
Ruellia devosiana
Azure Velvet Plant
Small foliage similar to Ruellia makoyana with beautiful powder blue flowers. Suitable for a hanging basket or tropical ground cover. Brazil. (B,W) Acanthaceae
Ruellia makoyana
Trailing Velvet Plant
Brilliant reddish-purple 2 flowers are produced all year, heaviest from fall through spring. Beautiful 2 inch long leaves veined white above purple beneath. Spreading habit excellent for baskets or tropical ground cover. A popular favorite. Brazil. 28F. (B,W) Acanthaceae
Russelia equisetiformis - red
Coral Plant, Firecracker Plant, Fountain Plant
A popular and colorful plant, with many scarlet red 1 inch tubular flowers displayed throughout the year on bright green, rush-like, leafless stems. Fountain-shaped cascading growth makes a beautiful hanging basket. Also, use for a ground cover, or for spilling over garden walls. Attracts hummingbirds. Mexico. Hardy to 25F. Plantaginaceae
Russelia equisetiformis 'Salmon Pink'
Coral Fountain, Firecracker Plant
Spectacular penstemon relative with horsetail-like, arching, stems and tubular, salmon-pink flowers. Blooms spring and summer. Hummingbirds love it. Good in hanging baskets, ground cover, or spilling over a garden wall. It requires full sun to bloom well and is drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. Native to Mexico. Plantaginaceae
Russelia equisetiformis 'Yellow Gold'
Golden Firecracker Plant
A choice variety with tubular yellow flowers. Use for hanging baskets, ground cover, or spilling over garden walls. Sun or part shade. Plantaginaceae
Senecio macroglossus
Wax Ivy, German Ivy, Jade Ivy
This is a twining vine that resembles a small English Ivy with glossy green succulent leaves and pale yellow daisy-like flowers. It makes a welcome addition to a hanging basket and makes a lush ground cover in frost-free areas. Plant in partial shade, in well-drained soil, and with regular watering. It can climb up to 6 feet high. Easy plant for growing indoors. Native to southern Africa. Asteraceae
Stenotaphrum secundatum 'Variegatum'
Variegated St. Augustine Grass
Ornamental grass striped white and green. Basket or ground cover. Poaceae
Thunbergia gregorii
Golden Clock Vine
Compact climbing vine with 2 inch bright golden orange flowers all year. Soft triangular leaves. Can be used as hanging basket, on trellis or ground cover. Easy, vigorous. Acanthaceae
Tradescantia fluminensis 'Variegata'
Variegated Inch Plant
Glossy green "Wandering Jew" with irregular bands of creamy white striped foliage. Great for baskets or as a groundcover in warm climates or try as an annual in colder climates. Likes part sun to shade, dryness between waterings, and is very tolerant to neglect. Very easy houseplant. Can be invasive in the South. Native to Brazil and Argentina. USDA Zones 10 - 11. Commelinaceae
Tradescantia sillamontana
White Gossamer Plant, White Velvet Wandering Jew, Cobweb Spiderwort
This charming basket plant has grayish green leaves densely covered in silvery white cobwebs. Magenta-pink flowers in summer. Can grow 10 inches high by 18 inches wide as a ground cover. Give it bright shade or sun and avoid overwatering. Briefly dies back in winter. Native to the mountains of northern Mexico. USDA zones 7 - 10. Commelinaceae
Tradescantia zebrina
(Syn.: Tradescantia pendula) Silver Inch Plant, Purple Wandering Jew
This popular hanging basket houseplant is grown for its striking variegated foliage. The fleshy lance-shaped leaves are bronzy purple with two broad silvery stripes above and with undersides of solid rosy purple. For the strongest leaf color, give bright light indoors or light shade outdoors. Best with consistently moist well-drained soil, but with less water in winter. Pinch stems to promote thicker growth. It can be used as a ground cover or filler around potted tropicals. In warm climates, it is best used as a container plant as it can become invasive in the ground. This tender perennial can be grown outdoors in mild climates (USDA zones 9-11) where it does not freeze or as an annual elsewhere. Native to southern Mexico and Guatemala. Commelinaceae
Xerosicyos danguyi
Silver Dollar Plant, Dollar Vine, Penny Plant
This is an unusual climbing succulent vine with gray cylindrical stems and thick, fleshy, silvery-green 1 to 2 inch wide round leaves. Tiny yellowish-green flowers appear in late winter to early spring. It makes a nice potted outdoor plant, a hanging basket, or an indoor house plant. In the ground, it can clamber over other plants, fences, or structures reaching 15 feet in height with the aid of slender forked tendrils. Best planted in full sun, but will tolerate some light shade. Plant in a well-draining succulent mix and water when soil becomes dry, keeping even drier in winter. This is an interesting, tough plant that tolerates neglect. Growing slowly at first, it grows faster once established. It is native to southwestern Madagascar, growing in subarid bushland forest and dunes. It is hardy to about 25F. USDA zones 9b - 11. Cucurbitaceae Resized image from Wikimedia Commons: Salicyna, CC BY-SA 4.0