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Fatshedera lizei 'Annemieke'

(Syn.: × Fatshedera lizei 'Mediopicta', 'Aureovariegata', 'Aureomaculata', 'Lemon and Lime'),
Anne Mieke Tree Ivy, Golden Variegated Fatshedera, or Botanical Wonder

Fatshedera lizei Annemieke


The original all green Botanical Wonder was a rare chance hybrid between Japanese aralia, Fatsia japonica, and ivy, Hedera (either helix or hibernica), at a nursery in France around 1910. Because of this bigeneric parentage, it can't decide if it wants to be a shrub or a vine. It has large leathery, dark green, maple-like leaves boldly splashed with yellow-green in its center. Grows best in light shade, but is tolerant of dark shade, making a nice contrast with many other shade-loving plants. In the fall are produced small clusters of sterile white flowers on terminal panicles. Train it upright as a shrub or small patio tree, espaliered against a wall, or just use it as a large vine. It lacks the damaging aerial roots of ivy. Pinch growing tips to force side branching. Because it can thrive in low light, it can easily be grown as a houseplant. Evergreen to about 20F and damaged in the mid-teens. USDA zones 8 - 11. Araliaceae


Polyscias Collection

Polyscias Collection


3 different, our choice, from a selection of these colorful leafed tropical shrubs. Araliaceae


Polyscias cumingiana

(Syn.: Polyscias filicifolia), Golden Aralia, Fern-leaf Aralia

Polyscias cumingiana


This is a tall upright shrub with leathery fern-like leaves up to 15 inches long. In full sun the foliage turns a rich golden color. As with all Polyscias in tropical climates, it can be used as an accent, hedge plant, wind screen, or for privacy screening. It should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. As a container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. It is strictly tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias fruticosa

Ming Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa


The Ming Aralia is an erect woody shrub growing to about 12 feet (more commonly 6 to 8 feet) tall with fine-textured, pinnately-divided leaves, which gives it a beautiful willow-like airy appearance. In tropical climates it may be used as an excellent vertical specimen, hedge, or screen. As a container plant, it is commonly grown indoors for its handsome foliage. It should be planted outdoors in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate drought tolerance. As a container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. Origin is unknown, but probably from India to southern Polynesia. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias fruticosa 'Bonsai'

Miniature Ming Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa Bonsai


A dwarf form of the Ming Aralia this attractive slow growing indoor plant has small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves. It is a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Give bright indoor light, excellent draining soil, and warmth. It cannot tolerate temperatures below 50F or water-logged soil. Outdoors grow in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias fruticosa 'Snowflake'

Snowflake Ming Aralia

Polyscias fruticosa Snowflake


This is a variegated version of the dwarf 'Bonsai' Ming Aralia with small, finely cut, parsley-like leaves with creamy white edging. It's a choice bonsai or terrarium subject. Older plants can slowly grow to 2 feet or taller, but may be trimmed back as needed. Indoors, give it bright light with protection from direct sunlight. It likes warmth and humidity, but not soggy soil. Let the soil dry out a bit before watering. Minimum temperature is 50F. Outdoors, grow it in semi-shade. USDA zones 11 - 12. (D, H, T) Araliaceae


Polyscias guilfoylei 'Crispa'

(Syn.: Polyscias guilfoylei 'Blackie' or 'Monstrosa'), Black Aralia

Polyscias guilfoylei Crispa


This weird looking plant has blackish green sharply toothed pinnately-divided leaves curled and twisted and held stiffly erect on brownish white stems. It makes an interesting potted specimen for the patio or interior. The species was originally collected by W. R. Guilfoyle in 1868 from Vanuatu or Samoa in the South Pacific. In warm climates, this slow growing shrub should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil, where it may be used as a slender hedge plant. As a container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil. The cut stems may be used in flower arrangements. It's strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias guilfoylei 'Marginata

Margined Roseleaf Aralia

Polyscias guilfoylei Marginata


The dark green leaves margined in ivory white resemble a rose leaf, hence its common name. In the tropics, it is commonly used as a hedge plant (especially for narrow areas), wind screen, or privacy screening. Unpruned it will grow 9 to 12 feet high. This fast growing shrub from southern Polynesia should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias guilfoylei 'Variegata'

Variegated Roseleaf Aralia

Polyscias guilfoylei Variegata


The lush green leaves of this variety are beautifully variegated with large irregular patches of ochre yellow from the midvein to the edges. In the tropics, it is commonly used as a hedge plant (especially for narrow areas), wind screen, or for privacy screening. Unpruned it will grow 9 to 12 feet high. This fast growing shrub from southern Polynesia should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias scutellaria 'Fabian'

Plum Aralia

Polyscias scutellaria Fabian


This cultivar has rounded, dark green, leathery leaves with a slight reddish cast and maroon to almost purple undersides. Can be grown as an upright columnar plant indoors or out. It makes a great houseplant. Let it get slightly dry between waterings. In the tropics, it's an ideal specimen or hedge plant. The plant is highly regarded by Feng Shui practitioners. Minimum temperature of 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. Araliaceae


Polyscias scutellaria 'Marginata'

(Syn.: Polyscias balfouriana 'Marginata'), Geranium Leaf Aralia

Polyscias scutellaria Marginata


This beautiful lush compact plant, growing 3 to 5 feet tall with rounded gray green leaflets bordered with ivory white edges, resembles a white variegated geranium. It is commonly planted around homes in the tropics as a specimen or as a hedge. The origins of this plant are unknown, but thought to come from somewhere between Indonesia and southwest Polynesia. In warm climates it should be planted in full sun to part shade in well-drained soil. It has moderate wind and drought tolerance. As an attractive slower growing container plant be sure to provide fast drainage, as it will not tolerate water-logged soil, and give bright interior light. By careful pruning, the plant makes an excellent indoor bonsai. It is strictly a tropical and will decline when temperatures drop below 50F. USDA zones 11 - 12. This plant is commonly referred to as the Balfour Aralia or Balfouriana by some house plant growers, but in fact that term should only refer to the all green-leafed species, not this 'Marginata' variety. Araliaceae


Polyscias scutellaria 'Pennockii'

(Syn.: Polyscias balfouriana 'Pennockii') Pennock's Panax

Polyscias scutellaria Pennockii


This is a very showy variety with large 3 to 4 inch oval leaves of substance with crenate edges. They are displayed vertically and are mottled in beautiful shades of cream, yellow, and various green tones. This plant prefers high humidity, warmth, and bright light. It does not color-up well in either full sun or full shade. As with all the Polyscias, allow the the soil to dry slightly between waterings. It was introduced by Pennock Nursery of Puerto Rico. Araliaceae


Schefflera arboricola 'Janine'

Schefflera arboricola Janine


Unusual Schefflera with small frilly leaves, beautifully variegated in green and lime-white. Very easy to grow. Even though it can grow to 10 feet, it can be easily trained as a much smaller excellent bonsai specimen. Part shade, average gardening conditions, and protection from frost. Species native to Taiwan. USDA zones 9 - 11. Araliaceae


Schefflera schizophylla

(Syn.: Schefflera incisa, Schefflera actinophylla 'Nova'), Nova Umbrella Tree

Schefflera schizophylla


We previously offered this plant as Schefflera actinophylla 'Nova'. This is a very rare unusual looking schefflera with large jagged maple-like leaves that are deeply serrated and pointed at the tips. New growth is bronze colored, later turning to dark green as the compound leaves mature. Image of the flower stalk is at the top of the page. Most botanical gardens list it as a cultivar of Schefflera actinophylla. However, Marc Frank of the University of Florida Herbarium has identified it as Schefflera schizophylla. Plant explorer and hybridizer, John Banta of Altha, Florida, introduced it to the U.S. sometime prior to 2002. It was briefly put into tissue culture by Agristarts at the time. However, it was soon taken off the market and is now rarely offered. Banta had been quoted in 2008 as saying that 'Nova' definitely is not S. actinophylla and that he originally observed the plant growing in the Philippines but obtained the seed from a plant growing in Indonesia near Jakarta. He did not know the species at the time, and did not believe it to be a hybrid. It is native to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand and is cultivated elsewhere in Southeast Asia. It's ideal as a container plant that can be kept 3 to 4 feet tall or planted outside in a tropical environment as a large distinctive specimen plant. Give it rich soil, moisture, and partial to full sun. It is more cold sensitive than other varieties of umbrella tree, defoliating under 40F. If protected from freezing, it should regrow new leaves as temperatures warm. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araliaceae

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