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Ipomoea indica

(Syn.: Ipomoea acuminata), Blue Dawn Flower

Ipomoea indica


Large bright blue morning glory flowers changing to pink later in the day. Blooms all year. Vigorous perennial vine. 25F. Convolvulaceae


Stictocardia beraviensis

Hawaiian Sunset Vine, Hawaiian Bell Vine

Stictocardia beraviensis


New! This is a beautiful evergreen tropical climber from Africa and Madagascar that is related to the morning glory. With fast growing thick stems and fleshy 6 inch heart-shaped leaves, it displays 2 to 3 inch bright crimson, cup-shaped flowers with yellow and orange streaking. These scented blooms appear at various times throughout the year and are attractive to birds and butterflies. It can be grown in shade but blooms better in full sun. Give it ample water and good drainage. In the ground it will quickly cover a fence, arbor, or trellis. It can be easily grown in a large container. Protect from cold. USDA zones 9b-11. Convolvulaceae

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