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Flowering Vines

Flowering Vines A - F

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Adenocalymma comosum Adenocalymma comosum
Code: 90348
Price: $20.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Adenocalymna comosum, Bignonia comosa)

This rare evergreen climber produces large 2½ inch trumpet-shaped bright yellow flowers from March to August. It's a slow growing woody vine with glossy leathery compound leaves. Give fertile, rich, well-drained soil, part shade to full sun. Ideal for growing on an arch or wall. Hardiness is unknown. Probably needs protection from frost. Propagated by seed or air-layering. Native to Brazil. USDA zones 10 - 11. Bignoniaceae


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Camptosema spectabile Camptosema spectabile
Code: 80124
Price: $20.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Camptosema grandiflora), Cuitelo, Cipo Tapia, Crista-De-Galo (Rooster's Crest), Dwarf Red Jade Vine
(Sometimes miss-identified as a Mucuna species)

Spectacular vine from Brazil with long pendulous chains of fiery orange-red flowers. It can be brought to bloom after a couple of seasons in a large container, but this heavy vine needs a large support. It's best outdoors or in a conservatory or greenhouse where enough space can be given. An arbor is ideal so that the brilliant flowering racemes can hang down from the ceiling. Blooms in fall and winter. Prune heavily in spring after flowering. Give full or partial sun with adequate moisture and fertilizer.

It hails from the Cerrados parts of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo states of Brazil at an elevation of 1,500 to 3,000 feet. Therefore, it can tolerate some drought and frost. It survived 4 nights that dropped briefly to 25F at the nursery without any damage. USDA zones 9b - 11.

Why someone has recently given it the name of "Dwarf Red Jade Vine" is anyone's guess? It's definitely not a dwarf growing vine, nor is it a close relative of Mucuna bennettii, the tropical Red Jade Vine from Papua New Guinea. Leguminosae

Limit of one per customer.

Ceropegia ampliata Ceropegia ampliata
Code: 90260
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Bushman's Pipe, Horny Wonder, Condom Plant

This unusual conversation piece produces in abundance strange looking green and white flowers in late summer. It has a unique method of pollination. The tubular 2½ inch flowers are lined inside with downward pointing hairs that temporarily trap insects. They are then released the next day covered with pollen. With thick leafless twining stems, it is best displayed in a hanging basket. Plant in partial shade with a well-draining cactus mix and allow to dry out between waterings. Needs protection from freezing. Native to South Africa. A detailed description of this weird plant can be found at PlantZAfrica.com. Apocynaceae


Ceropegia sandersonii Ceropegia sandersonii
Code: 90638
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Parachute or Umbrella Plant

The common name of this small succulent vine refers to its flowers that are shaped somewhat like parachutes or umbrellas. The flowers are even more unusual in that they give off a scent to trap flies. As the flies slide down the flower tube to the base they get covered in pollen. The flies are released later, as the flower withers, to pollinate other parachute flowers. It's fairly easy to grow as a basket plant or in a dry terrarium in well-drained soil and bright light (not direct sunlight). Native to Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland. (B,T) Apocynaceae      Resized image from Wikimedia Commons: Wouter Hagens, Ceropegia sandersonii A, CC BY-SA 3.0


Clerodendrum x speciosum Clerodendrum x speciosum
Code: 67461
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

This beautiful hybrid is noted for its long lasting rosy red bracts and bright red flowers. Deep green oval leaves. 32F. Lamiaceae


Combretum coccineum Combretum coccineum
Code: 90262
Price: $14.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Poivrea coccinea), Scarlet Comb, Flame vine, Crimson Cloud

Beautiful climber with masses of small bright red star-shaped flowers in large panicles. Foliage of a luxuriant glossy dark green. Give this evergreen shrubby vine partial to full sun, ample moisture. Vigorous. Hardy to low 30's. Native to Madagascar and Mauitius. Combretaceae


Faradaya splendida Faradaya splendida
Code: 67530
Price: $14.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Large vine for tropical or subtropical garden. Showy white flowers in large terminal clusters in spring with fragrance of carnations. Leaves smooth, 6 to 12 inches long. Rare. Australia. Lamiaceae


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