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Acnistus to Aphelandra

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Acanthus sennii Acanthus sennii
Code: 90414
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

This rare African Acanthus from Ethiopia has attention-getting spikes of bright orange-red exotic flowers in fall. Spreading 3 to 5 foot shrub with attractive holly-like silver veined dark green leaves armed with vicious spines (be careful). The tops are frost hardy to the mid 20's, dying back and resprouting in the spring. Mulch in colder climates. Drought tolerant when established. Needs part to full sun and good drainage. USDA zones 8b - 11. Acanthaceae


Achetaria azurea Achetaria azurea
Code: 61005
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Otacanthus azureus, Otacanthus caeruleus), Amazon-Blue, Brazilian Snapdragon

Unsurpassed for blue flower color in winter or summer garden, this compact shrublet covers itself with 1 inch snapdragon-like flowers of the brightest blue. A must for collectors of blue flowered plants. Can be used for cut flower bouquets and arrangements. Brazil. Hardy to 28F. Plantaginaceae


Acnistus arborescens Acnistus arborescens
Code: 69134
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Wild Tree Tobacco, Hollowheart

Related to Iochroma. Uncommon small to medium sized tree, growing 10 to 20 feet high. Soft bark is beige, corky with deep vertical ridges and fissures. Try growing orchids, tillandsias and other epiphytes on it's limbs. Very small ¼th inch bell-shaped scented white flowers clustered on branches are followed by tiny orange tomato-like inedible fruits that are popular with birds. Plant has anticancer properties, but no nicotine derivatives, as common name would suggest. Subtropical, it will survive brief frosts. We're not sure of it's landscape value, but it might be of interest to collectors. Native to Central and South America and the Caribbean. Solanaceae


Aeollanthus repens Aeollanthus repens
Code: 62202
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Creeping ground cover from Africa with fuzzy 2 inch gray leaves and numerous lavender flower clusters, which have a very strong skunk-like odor. Used as a ground cover in Hawaii, in spite of this trait. Makes a nice hanging basket. Plant in a sunny location in a frost free area. Related to Plectranthus. Lamiaceae


Albuca bracteata Albuca bracteata
Code: 90234
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Ornithogalum longibracteatum, Ornithogalum caudatum), Pregnant Onion, False Sea Onion

The pregnant onion is an old-fashioned novel houseplant that resembles an onion with numerous baby bulbs forming on its sides. A great conversation piece. A lot of people just adore this plant. It has long strap-like leaves that droop downward and tall wands of small white flowers striped in green. Makes a nice hanging basket. It's not really an onion and should NOT be eaten. Some individuals may have an allergic skin reaction. Native to South Africa and easy to grow outdoors in similar climates. Grow in part shade and allow soil to dry between waterings. Hardy to 25F. Asparagaceae


Allamanda cathartica Hendersonii Allamanda cathartica 'Hendersonii'
Code: 67053
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Golden Trumpet

Throughout the tropics one of the most popular vines and rightly so. Trainable as a vine or shrub, it is famous for its profusion of 5 inch bright yellow flowers throughout the year and handsome 6 inch tapered glossy green foliage. In cooler areas such as coastal California, it blooms outdoors in summer and fall. It is deciduous with frost and likes a warm protected site. In the greenhouse it is dazzling all year. Spectacular variety. South America. 40F. Apocynaceae


Allamanda schottii Australian Silver Allamanda schottii 'Australian Silver'
Code: 67054
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

A cultivar with narrow silver-gray leaves, yellow flowers. Compact grower. Apocynaceae


Allamanda schottii Variegata Allamanda schottii 'Variegata'
Code: 67057
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Gray-green foliage variegated white, compact habit. Yellow flowers as above. Minimum 40F. Apocynaceae


Alternanthera bettzickiana Rainbow Alternanthera bettzickiana 'Rainbow'
Code: 90634
Price: $8.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn: Alternanthera amabilis var. tricolor), Rainbow or Tricolor Calico Plant

This is a colorful tropical ground cover or bedding plant with dark green leaf edges and center areas tinged in orange, red, pink, and yellow. Great as a container plant in part shade to full sun. Trim occasionally to keep it compact. Use as an annual in temperate climates. Native to Brazil. USDA zones 9-12. Amaranthaceae


Alternanthera ficoidea Snowball Alternanthera ficoidea 'Snowball'
Code: 40012
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Tiny irregularly shaped leaves variegated blush white on this variety of Joseph's Coat. Very compact. Easy. Used as a bedding or edging plant or for containers, hanging baskets, or as a houseplant. Give light shade or full sun and rich organic soil with good drainage. Native to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. (F,M,T) Amaranthaceae


Alternanthera porrigens 'Little Grapes' Alternanthera porrigens 'Little Grapes'
Code: 90434
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Little Grapes, Teensy Weensy, Airy Bachelor Buttons

We prevously listed this as Gomphrena serrata 'Little Grapes'. However, it is actually an Alternanthera. Everyone loves this mini cultivar for its cute globe amaranthe type purple blossoms. They are held high above on wiry sprawling stems, thus creating an airy display. The abundant flowers can be used for cutting and also dry nicely. This tender perennial likes full sun, amended soil, and regular watering. It forms a mound about 3 feet high. The airy blooms combine nicely with other plants in the flower garden. It's recommended to cut it back in the winter to force fresh spring growth. Flowers summer and fall. It's native to western South America. USDA zones 9 - 11. Amaranthaceae


Anisacanthus quadrifidus var wrightii Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii
Code: 90204
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Desert Honeysuckle, Texas Firecracker

Mounding shrub to 5 feet with narrow light green leaves and spikes of tubular, bright red-orange flowers. Blooms heaviest in spring, occasionally in summer and fall. Heat loving, drought tolerant, for sun or partial shade. Deciduous. Cut back to keep dense and for more blooms. A favorite for butterflies and hummingbirds. Native to southwest Texas and northern Mexico. USDA zones 7 - 10. Acanthaceae


Aphelandra schiedeana Aphelandra schiedeana
Code: 69070
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Grows to 4 feet high, with 5 inch long thin, finely pubescent, narrow ovate leaves. Blooms in winter with 3 inch spikes of 1 inch long dark red bracts with 2 inch bright red flowers resembling those of the shrimp plant. Part shade. Protect from frost. USDA zones 9b - 11. Acanthaceae


Aphelandra sinclairiana Aphelandra sinclairiana
Code: 69071
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Coral Aphelandra

Evergreen tropical shrub with tubular pink flowers emerging from shell-like orange bracts. Inflorescence up to 8 inches long, very showy. Summer bloom. Grow in bright shade. Very tender to cold. Minimum temperature of 50F. Central America. USDA zones 10b - 11. Acanthaceae


Arachnothryx leucophylla Arachnothryx leucophylla
Code: 80114
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Rondeletia leucophylla), Panama Rose, Bush Pentas

Small woody evergreen shrub with rose-pink flowers, primarily in winter and spring with scattered blooms the rest of the year. Very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. It becomes fragrant after sunset. Grows 3 to 5 feet high. Full sun to part shade. It's a tender shrub that will not survive freezing. USDA zones 9 - 11. Native of Mexico through Panama. Rubiaceae


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