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Mansoa difficilis

Bell Vine (Cipo de Sino)
Mansoa difficilis

Code: 69128

Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: None

Family: Bignoniaceae

Large clusters of bright lavender to purple trumpet-shaped flowers in summer and fall with glossy compound leaves of 2 to 3 leaflets. Full sun, average care. Evergreen climber that is native to the humid forests of Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. Ideal for railings, walls, fences, and porticos. USDA zones 9 - 11. This has been erroneously identified for many years in Southern California gardens as Bignonia binata, the name under which we previously sold it.

Keyed Cultural Guide: The following symbols are listed with many product descriptions. If so, they indicate special characteristics or growing requirements. Also, see "Cultural Information".
(B) Hanging
(D) Dwarf
under 12"
(F) Flourescent lights for
indoor light culture
(H) Humid
(M) Miniature
under 6"
(T) Terrarium
(W) Winter

Key to USDA Hardiness Zones