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Alphabetical Listing by Botanical Name

This is a complete listing of the plant photos found on the Kartuz Greenhouses website.
More pictures will be added as they become available.

A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | C | D-H | I-J | K-O | P1 | P2-R | S | T-Z

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Sanchezia speciosa Compact
Sanchezia speciosa 'Compact'

Sanchezia speciosa Tall Form
Sanchezia speciosa 'Tall Form'

Saritea magnifica
Saritea magnifica

Schaueria flavicoma
Schaueria flavicoma

Scutellaria costaricana
Scutellaria costaricana

Senecio angulatus
Senecio angulatus

Senecio confusus
Senecio confusus

Senecio confusus Sao Paulo
Senecio confusus 'Sao Paulo'

Senna bicapsularis Butter Creme
Senna bicapsularis 'Butter Creme'

Senna bicapsularis California Gold
Senna bicapsularis 'California Gold'

Sida fallax Black Coral
Sida fallax 'Black Coral'

Sida fallax Kaneohe Gold
Sida fallax 'Kaneohe Gold'

Sinningia cardinalis Hybrid
Sinningia cardinalis 'Hybrid'

Sinningia conspicua
Sinningia conspicua

Sinningia Doll Baby
Sinningia 'Doll Baby'

Sinningia Leopard Spots
Sinningia 'Leopard Spots'

Sinningia leucotricha
Sinningia leucotricha

Sinningia Little Venus
Sinningia 'Little Venus'

Sinningia pusilla
Sinningia pusilla

Smithiantha aurantiaca
Smithiantha aurantiaca

Smithiantha Extra Sassy
Smithiantha 'Extra Sassy'

Smithiantha Prelude
Smithiantha 'Prelude'

Solandra grandiflora
Solandra grandiflora

Solandra maxima
Solandra maxima

Solandra maxima Variegata
Solandra maxima 'Variegata'

Solanum wendlandii
Solanum wendlandii

Solenostemon shirensis Variegata
Solenostemon shirensis 'Variegata'

Sparmannia africana
Sparmannia africana

Stachytarpheta frantzii
Stachytarpheta frantzii

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis

Stachytarpheta species Red Compacta
Stachytarpheta species 'Red Compacta'

Stachytarpheta speciosa
Stachytarpheta speciosa

Stephanotus floribunda
Stephanotus floribunda

Stictocardia beraviensis
Stictocardia beraviensis

Streptocarpus Als Pal
Streptocarpus 'Als Pal'

Streptocarpus Coral Comet
Streptocarpus 'Coral Comet'

Streptocarpus Fancy Frills
Streptocarpus 'Fancy Frills'

Streptocarpus Fandango
Streptocarpus 'Fandango'

Streptocarpus Lullabye
Streptocarpus 'Lullabye'

Streptocarpus Marna
Streptocarpus 'Marna'

Streptocarpus Pink Nymph
Streptocarpus 'Pink Nymph'

Strobilanthes dyerianus
Strobilanthes dyerianus

Strobilanthes sp Orizaba
Strobilanthes sp. 'Orizaba'

Stromanthe sanguinea
Stromanthe sanguinea

Stromanthe sanguinea Variegata
Stromanthe sanguinea 'Variegata'

Strophanthus gratus
Strophanthus gratus

Strophanthus preussi
Strophanthus preussi

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