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Photo Gallery Page A2

Alphabetical Listing by Botanical Name

This is a complete listing of the plant photos found on the Kartuz Greenhouses website.
More pictures will be added as they become available.

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Acalypha Loco
Acalypha 'Loco'

Acalypha Louisiana Red
Acalypha 'Louisiana Red'

Acalypha Macafeeana
Acalypha 'Macafeeana'

Acalypha Macrophylla
Acalypha 'Macrophylla'

Acalypha Marginata
Acalypha 'Marginata'

Acalypha Marginata Bronze
Acalypha 'Marginata Bronze'

Acalypha Marginata Green
Acalypha 'Marginata Green'

Acalypha Musaica
Acalypha 'Musaica'

Acalypha pendula
Acalypha pendula

Acalypha Raggedy Ann
Acalypha 'Raggedy Ann'

Acalypha Tahiti
Acalypha 'Tahiti'

Acalypha Tequilla Sunrise
Acalypha 'Tequilla Sunrise'

Acnistus arborescens
Acnistus arborescens

Aeollanthus repens
Aeollanthus repens

Aeschynanthus evrardii
Aeschynanthus evrardi

Aeschynanthus Flash
Aeschynanthus 'Flash'

Allamanda blanchetii
Allamanda blanchetii

Allamanda cathartica Golden Butterfly
Allamanda cathartica 'Golden Butterfly'

Allamanda cathartica Hendersonii
Allamanda cathartica 'Hendersonii'

Allamanda cathartica Stansills Double
Allamanda cathartica 'Stansills Double'

Allamanda Chocolate Cream
Allamanda 'Chocolate Cream'

Allamanda schottii
Allamanda schottii

Allamanda schottii Australian Silver
Allamanda schottii 'Australian Silver'

Allamanda schottii Variegata
Allamanda schottii 'Variegata'

Alpinia formosana
Alpinia formosana

Alpinia purpurata Pink
Alpinia purpurata 'Pink'

Alpinia purpurata Red
Alpinia purpurata 'Red'

Alsobia dianthiflora
Alsobia dianthiflora

Alsobia San Miguel
Alsobia 'San Miguel'

Alstroemeria Hybrid
Alstroemeria Hybrid

Alstroemeria psitticina
Alstroemeria psitticina

Alyogyne hakeifolia
Alyogyne hakeifolia

Alyogyne huegelii
Alyogyne huegelii

Alyogyne huegelii Mood Indigo
Alyogyne huegelii 'Mood Indigo'

Alyogyne huegelii White Swan
Alyogyne huegelii 'White Swan'

Anthurium scherzerianum
Anthurium scherzerianum

Anthurium schlechtendalii
Anthurium schlechtendalii

Aphelandra scheideana
Aphelandra scheideana

Aphelandra sinclairiana
Aphelandra sinclairiana

Aristolochia gigantea
Aristolochia gigantea

Aristolochia grandiflora
Aristolochia grandiflora

Aristolochia labiata
Aristolochia labiata

Asclepias curassavica Red Butterfly
Asclepias curassavica 'Red Butterfly'

Asclepias curassavica Silky Gold
Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold'

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