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Ruttya fruticosa Orange Dragon Ruttya fruticosa 'Orange Dragon'
Code: 64255
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Clusters of unusual two lipped bright orange flowers with glossy black centers throughout the year. Eastern tropical Africa. 28F. Acanthaceae


Ruttya fruticosa Yellow Dragon Ruttya fruticosa 'Yellow Dragon'
Code: 64258
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Clusters of striking bright yellow flowers with glossy black centers all year. Acanthaceae


Sanchezia parvibracteata Sanchezia parvibracteata
Code: 54265
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Sanchezia glaucophylla, Sanchezia nobilis), Small-Bracted Sanchezia

Glossy green leaves with bright yellow netting. A selected compact form with small golden tubular flowers, green bracts. 35F. Acanthaceae


Sanchezia sanmartinensis Sanchezia sanmartinensis
Code: 54267
Price: $11.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Rare tropical Sanchezia from Peru with solid green leaves covered with short, fine hairs. Tubular red flowers emerge from the russet-red hairy bracts. As with the other Sanchezias, we suggest planting in a frost-free location with rich, moist, well-drained soil in full to part-shade. Too new to know its climate range, but probably USDA zones 10b - 11. Acanthaceae


Scaevola taccada Scaevola taccada
Code: 90264
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Beach Cabbage, Sea Lettuce, Beach Naupaka

This flowering plant is a common beach shrub throughout the Indian Ocean and South Pacific, reaching all the way to Hawaii. The flowers are white or cream colored, sometimes with purple streaks, and have an irregular shape with all five petals on one side of the flower, making it appear to have been torn in half. The downy leaves are light green, almost succulent, and the fleshy white berries can float in seawater for months before sprouting. It's a large dense shrub growing up to 9 feet in height, but usually kept much lower as a sprawling hedge. It is often used for beach landscaping, to prevent coastal erosion, and to protect other plants from salt spray. Because the Naupaka has this unique half-flower, ancient Hawaiians believed that it was the incarnation of lovers separated. The pleasantly fragrant flowers and corky seeds are sometimes made into Hawaiian leis. In Florida, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and throughout the Caribbean, it has become invasive, pushing out native plants. For this reason, it is not allowed to be shipped to these areas. No frost or cold weather. USDA zones 10 -12. Goodeniaceae


Schaueria calicotricha Schaueria calicotricha
Code: 72105
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Schaueria fulvicoma), Golden Plume, Hairy Yellow-headed Justicia

Note: Justicia aurea is also known by the common name of Golden Plume.

This Brazilian tropical plant with wide dark green glossy leaves produces 4 inch yellow brush-like bracts with pale yellow flowers. It grows up to 4 feet in height and needs moist soil and full shade. Be sure to give protection from frost. The botanical name is quite confused and needs work by botanists. In the 1800's, the original S. calicotricha was recognized as a different species from S. fulvicoma but is now considered by some to be the same plant. Another Schaueria is now widely known as Schaueria fulvicoma but it does match the botanical description. We are offering it as Schaueria sp. Lime Puff. Acanthaceae


Schaueria sp. Lime Puff Schaueria sp. Lime Puff
Code: 72106
Price: $10.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Lime Puff Flower, White-Flowered Golden Plume

A very different tropical plant with large bright yellow feather duster heads from which protrude white shrimp-like flowers. The shiny dark green foliage is narrow and lance-shaped. Grows 3 to 4 feet high in full sun in warm humid locations or bright shade elsewhere. It has a shrub-like habit and is best to prune occasionally to keep compact. Blooms all year in a tropical climate or warm greenhouse. Probably will not take any frost, so give winter protection. A real eye catcher that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Can be used as a cut flower and in Hawaii for making an unusual lei, where the common name is "Lime Puff". Its botanical name is quite confused. It is being listed by many as Schaueria flavicoma from Brazil. But S. flavicoma (proper name: S. calycotricha) has broad leaves, prefers shade, and has creamy yellow flowers - a very different plant. So, we are listing it as an unknown species, although it could be an unlikely hybrid. Probably native to Central or South America. Acanthaceae


Schefflera arboricola Janine Schefflera arboricola 'Janine'
Code: 80150
Price: $13.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Unusual Schefflera with small frilly leaves, beautifully variegated in green and lime-white. Very easy to grow. Even though it can grow to 10 feet, it can be easily trained as a much smaller excellent bonsai specimen. Part shade, average gardening conditions, and protection from frost. Species native to Taiwan. USDA zones 9 - 11. Araliaceae


Schefflera schizophylla Schefflera schizophylla
Code: 90565
Price: $49.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Schefflera incisa, Schefflera actinophylla 'Nova'), Nova Umbrella Tree

We previously offered this plant as Schefflera actinophylla 'Nova'. This is a very rare unusual looking schefflera with large jagged maple-like leaves that are deeply serrated and pointed at the tips. New growth is bronze colored, later turning to dark green as the compound leaves mature. Image of the flower stalk is at the top of the page. Most botanical gardens list it as a cultivar of Schefflera actinophylla. However, Marc Frank of the University of Florida Herbarium has identified it as Schefflera schizophylla. Plant explorer and hybridizer, John Banta of Altha, Florida, introduced it to the U.S. sometime prior to 2002. It was briefly put into tissue culture by Agristarts at the time. However, it was soon taken off the market and is now rarely offered. Banta had been quoted in 2008 as saying that 'Nova' definitely is not S. actinophylla and that he originally observed the plant growing in the Philippines but obtained the seed from a plant growing in Indonesia near Jakarta. He did not know the species at the time, and did not believe it to be a hybrid. It is native to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand and is cultivated elsewhere in Southeast Asia. It's ideal as a container plant that can be kept 3 to 4 feet tall or planted outside in a tropical environment as a large distinctive specimen plant. Give it rich soil, moisture, and partial to full sun. It is more cold sensitive than other varieties of umbrella tree, defoliating under 40F. If protected from freezing, it should regrow new leaves as temperatures warm. USDA zones 10 - 12. Araliaceae

Limit of one per customer.

Sclerochiton harveyanus Sclerochiton harveyanus
Code: 90576
Price: $14.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Blue Lips

This is an intriguing evergreen shrub from South Africa that bears masses of mauve-blue fan-shaped flowers. Blooming most the year, with the heaviest during the warmer months, the flowers are attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It's a multi-stemmed rounded shrub growing 6 to 8 feet tall and wide with small attractive glossy deep green leaves and a somewhat lax form. It thrives in part to full shade and is excellent as a background shrub or as a potted specimen. Give it good drainage, average moisture, and neutral to acidic soil. It can be easily pruned if necessary. It tolerates a bit of light frost, but not freezing conditions. USDA zones 9b-11. Acanthaceae


Sida fallax Black Coral Sida fallax 'Black Coral'
Code: 65116
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Dwarf Hawaiian upright small shrub with single golden orange flowers and dark stems. Malvaceae


Sida fallax Kaneohe Gold Sida fallax 'Kaneohe Gold'
Code: 65115
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Golden Ilima

Charming dwarf Hawaiian shrub, whose flowers are prized for making bright golden leis that in historical times only chiefs were allowed to wear. Semi-double 1 inch golden flowers, like tiny hibiscus, produced all year long. Easily kept at 12 inches high, it's an excellent and distinctive container plant. 25F. Malvaceae


Solanum muricatum Rio Bamba Solanum muricatum 'Rio Bamba'
Code: 65260
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Melon Pear, Pepino Dulce

Deliciously sweet fruit is provided by this compact, colorful and unusual flowering plant from the Andes. Attractive clusters of 1 inch dark violet star-shaped flowers are followed by 4 to 6 inch purple striped oval fruits, which change from light green to yellow when fully ripe and ready to eat. The fruit has a nearly seedless, juicy flesh which is fragrant and tasty, like a blend of melons, bananas, peaches and pears. Offered are two cutting grown selections which are superior in taste and make attractive flowering plants. 25F.

'Rio Bamba' is a scandent, purple stemmed selection named for the area of Ecuador from which it was collected. 3 inch dark green leaves, free flowering. Cross pollination suggested for maximum fruit production. Solanaceae


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Solanum muricatum 'Vista'
Code: 65264
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

An upright, green stemmed selection that may set fruit better on its own. Bright green leaves. Big fruit, attractive purple flowers. Solanaceae


Streblacanthus dubiosus Streblacanthus dubiosus
Code: 90136
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

Tropical shade plant with interesting color combination of light green leaves with a creamy blotch in the center. Grows 2 to 4 feet high. Small insignificant pale lilac-colored flowers on thin spikes. It grows in the undergrowth of rain forests and appreciates rich, moist soil. Needs a frost free environment. It's native to the Andean foothills of Bolivia and Paraguay to 3,000 feet in elevation and the Amazon and Atlantic forests of Brazil. Parent plant was collected along Brazil's Rio Grande. There is not much information available on this species and our identification is based on a few images posted on the internet. USDA zones 10 - 12. Acanthaceae


Suessenguthia multisetosa Suessenguthia multisetosa
Code: 90245
Price: $9.95

Quantity in Basket: none

(Syn.: Ruellia multisetosa), Columbian Petunia, Bolivian Violet

This beautiful sprawling shrub produces bright trumpet-shaped purplish pink flowers in spring to early summer. Can be pruned as a 4 to 5 foot shrub or allowed to scramble with support up to 15 feet. With its deep green foliage and eye-catching 3 inch flowers, it makes a great background shrub in the tropical landscape. Give sun to light shade (best), good drainage, and rich moist soil. Fast growing. Hardy to 30F. Try it as a protected container plant elsewhere. Found growing along stream banks in its native Bolivia. USDA zones 9b - 11. Acanthaceae


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